Terms of service

Terms of Use

Important Notice: These Terms of Use (referred to hereinafter as "Terms") constitute an agreement between you (an individual, company, or any other entity) and Kidoodle regarding the use of the Product (please refer to Section 1.1 of these Terms). You must have reached the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence to access and sign these Terms. If you have not reached the legal age of majority, your guardian must agree to or sign these Terms on your behalf. Please read these Terms carefully before using any Kidoodle product mentioned in these Terms. Your use of a Kidoodle product will be deemed as your acceptance of the limitations mentioned in these Terms. Otherwise, please refrain from using any Kidoodle product. You may return your purchased Kidoodle product to the franchise store, authorized distributor, or retail store where you made the purchase to request a refund. However, please be aware that refunds may be subject to the return policy of the retail store. The return policy is enforced in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the country/region of purchase. You can access a copy of these Terms at any time by visiting the Kidoodle website (www.kidoodle3d.com) and keep a copy of these Terms for future reference.


General Terms

  • The term "Product" in these Terms refers to the Kidoodledevice and the software contained therein. The software includes but is not limited to the following: (1) codes, other embedded software, documents, interfaces, content, fonts, and any data stored within it that are protected by copyright owned by Kidoodle or its licensors; (2) updates or upgrades to the software mentioned in (1).
  • The Software under these Terms shall be bound by it, whether it is stored in read-only memory or any other media or form, or it is from an online download location authorized by Kidoodle, unless otherwise agreed upon.


End User Software License 

You are granted a limited and non-exclusive license to access and use this software (as defined in Section 1.1) on only one Kidoodle device, subject to, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of these Terms. The software cannot be sold, transferred, or used for any other commercial purposes.


Your Obligations

3.1 You may not use Kidoodle technology or Kidoodle intellectual property to develop third-party devices/accessories associated with Kidoodle Products without prior consent from Kidoodle. Furthermore, you may not use it to design, develop, manufacture, sell, or license software related to Kidoodle Products for any other commercial purposes.

3.2 You may make a copy of the software on a computer hard disk drive or other storage media for archiving purposes. You may not distribute or provide the Software through networks to make it available to multiple devices or computers simultaneously.

3.3 You may not sell, rent, lease, lend, sublicense, or distribute the entirety or part of the Software to any third party without prior written permission from Kidoodle. Nevertheless, you may make a one-time permanent transfer of the entire software license to another party along with the transfer of ownership of your Kidoodle device, provided that: (1) the transfer must include your Kidoodle device and all Kidoodle Software; (2) you do not retain all or part of the Software copies; and (3) the party receiving the Kidoodle device and Software has read and accepted all the terms and conditions of these Terms.

3.4 Except as otherwise expressly permitted, you shall not, nor allow any other person to misappropriate, intrude or make other inappropriate use of the Product, including, but not limited to modify, decode, copy, reverse engineer, publish, publicly disseminate, decompile, export codes, disassemble, or create derivatives of the Product in any way.

3.5 You agree not to use the Product and related update content to engage in the following activities: (1) copy or use any part of the Software beyond the scope of these Terms; (2) provide to third parties, or allow third parties to use the whole or part of the Software without obtaining Kidoodle's written consent (including but not limited to apps, services, code, and source code); (3) use the Product in a deceptive way or for deceptive purposes; (4) remove any copyright declarations or prompts contained in the Product; (5) attempt to destroy, bypass, change, invalidate, or escape from the Product and/or any digital rights management system that is part of the organic composition of the Product; (6) perform other improper or illegal acts.

3.6 When using the Product for storage or copying, you need to be authorized by the relevant rights holders in the corresponding countries or regions. Kidoodle Products may be used to reproduce materials so long as such use is limited to the reproduction of non-copyrighted materials, materials for which you own the copyright, or materials you are authorized or legally permitted to reproduce. You acknowledge that ownership and intellectual property rights of any material displayed, stored, or accessed via your device belong to the owner of the material. Such materials may be protected by copyright law or other intellectual property laws and treaties, and you may need to comply with the usage agreement or terms for such materials belonging to a third party. Unless otherwise agreed upon, these Terms do not grant you any right to use such materials, nor does it guarantee that you can continue to use them.

3.7 If you choose to provide suggestions regarding problems with the Product (“Feedback”), then you hereby grant Kidoodle an unrestricted, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free right to exploit such Feedback in any manner and for any purpose with no duty to make any payments or notice to you for such exploitation.

3.8 You agree that you shall only use the Product in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the country or region in which you reside or use the Product, including but not limited to the local laws of the country or region where you live or download or use the Product and services.

Reservation of Rights

Kidoodle and its licensors own and retain all rights and titles to the visual interfaces, graphics, design, firmware, software, services, and all other elements of the Product and reserve any other rights not expressly granted to you by these Terms.

Privacy Policy

Kidoodle's Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") provides information about the data that Kidoodle collects and the ways in which this data is used by Kidoodle. For the use of the Product, Kidoodle will collect data from your device in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and the Privacy Policy. You may refer to the details of the Privacy Policy at the following URL: [Kidoodle Privacy Policy](Insert Privacy Policy URL).

Consent to Use of Data

6.1 Where you choose to help Kidoodle improve its products and services, Kidoodle and its affiliates/licensors may collect data from your device for analysis. Collected data includes your device configuration data, app statistical data, and error log data. All data is anonymized before being collected and processed.

6.2 Kidoodle ensures that a similar and adequate level of protection is afforded to your data as required by all applicable laws and regulations. Data collected from your product during use may be processed or transferred to Kidoodle and its affiliates/licensors in countries outside of the country you reside. This means the data may be transferred to or accessed from other jurisdictions which are outside of the country where you use Kidoodle's products or services. These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws, or such laws may not even exist.

6.3 Kidoodle only retains your data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in these Terms and the Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. While Kidoodle takes all appropriate technical and organizational steps to prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure of your data, please note that no security measures are completely infallible.



7.1 In order to provide you with an enhanced user experience, Kidoodle may offer product update services, including but not limited to system software updates and 3D printing model updates. The product update service is designed to improve the performance, safety, and reliability of the products and devices. Product updates can be installed in various ways, including error fixes, system software updates, 3D printing model updates, and performance enhancements.

7.2 Any updates provided by Kidoodle for replacement or supplementary products are governed by these Terms, unless such updates are accompanied by separate Terms of Use, which will take precedence. If you choose not to download and use an update provided by Kidoodle, you understand that this may expose the product to serious security risks or render it unusable or unstable. Some product functions may be limited based on the version. Updating to the latest version may enhance your user experience.

7.3 Your Kidoodle product will automatically search for and download new update packages to provide you with timely update services. These updates are designed to address cybersecurity vulnerabilities and prevent new threats. It is important to accept and install security-related system updates promptly. Due to the significance of these updates, your product may block new print jobs before the updates are installed and will immediately provide update notifications to help you stay informed about the relevant information.


Services of the Product

8.1 The Product enables you to access Kidoodle and third-party apps and services (individually and collectively referred to as "services") that come with the Product. However, some apps and services may not be available in all languages or regions. Additionally, you acknowledge and agree that some of the Product's features may not be available on certain products depending on the hardware and data access.

8.2 To ensure and enhance your user experience, the Product provides you with a wide range of services. The specific services of the Product are provided by Kidoodle and its affiliated companies/licensors according to the actual situation. Kidoodle and its affiliated companies/licensors reserve the right to change the contents of the services at any time.

Kidoodle Product Services Statement:

Kidoodle App: Kidoodle Product services are basic functions for you to use Kidoodle App service. These basic functions include Kidoodle account management function, remote printing, remote monitoring, and model recommendation. The above features may not be available in all regions/countries and languages. Using these basic functions requires access to the Internet, and you need to register your Kidoodle account and accept the additional terms of the above basic services.


Model recommendation: Model recommendation is a service that recommends models stored in the Kidoodle App for you. When you connect to the Wi-Fi network, model content will be recommended to you. The model content will vary according to the country/region where your login account is located. You can choose to accept or reject this service. This service may not be available in all countries and languages.


Health Management System: Health management system is a service for you to automatically diagnose the health status of your device. You may receive notifications or actively check the current working status of various parts of the device through the health management system and view solutions in case of problems. However, you understand that due to technical limitations and other reasons, Kidoodle cannot guarantee that the above related functions can completely and accurately detect all problems.


Print Failure Detection: Print result detection is a service that automatically detects problems during printing, including first layer inspection, spaghetti failure detection, and automatic skipping of failed parts. Using these services, the device will prompt warning messages when there is a problem in printing, or accurately skip individual failed parts, or automatically stop printing when there is a serious problem. Some functions of print failure detection (such as spaghetti failure detection) depend on specific hardware configuration, so only Kidoodle devices equipped with relevant hardware can support it. In addition, you understand that due to technical limitations and other reasons, Kidoodle cannot guarantee that the above related functions can be completely and accurately detected, and there may be a risk of false detection under special circumstances.


Third-party Software Statement

9.1 You understand and agree that while Kidoodle Product supports the execution of general G-code files, it does not guarantee the availability of G-code generated by third-party software at any time and will not be responsible for product damage caused by running G-code generated by third-party software.


Termination and Ongoing Effectiveness

10.1  These Terms are effective from the first day you install the Software. Breach of your obligations with any terms or conditions of these Terms may result in the deactivation of your account and loss or restriction of access to the content associated with the Product. Once it is terminated, you must stop using the Product and delete all the Software and associated materials already copied and/or installed on your Kidoodle device or computer immediately.

10.2  Sections 6, 11, and 12 shall remain effective after the termination of these Terms.


Disclaimer of Warranties

11.1 You acknowledge that the Product is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Neither Kidoodle, its licensors or affiliates, nor the copyright holders make any representations or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, quiet enjoyment, and non-infringement of third-party rights. There is no warranty by Kidoodle or by any other party that the functions contained in the Product will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Product will be uninterrupted or error-free. You assume all responsibility and risk for the selection of the Product to achieve your intended results and for the installation, use, and results obtained from it.


11.2 You further confirm that during the printing, calibration, and operation of the device, it is not allowed to stretch body parts or objects into the device to avoid the potential risk of scald and pinch injury. You shall bear all the responsibilities and risks of personal injury or equipment injury caused thereby.


Limitation of Liability

12.1 Kidoodle will not take any responsibility for product use problems caused by abuse, misuse, or unauthorized modification.


12.2 To the extent not prohibited by applicable law, under no circumstances shall Kidoodle, its employees, licensors, or affiliates be liable for any lost profits, revenue, sales, data, or costs of procurement of substitute goods or services, property damage, personal injury, interruption of business, loss of business information, or for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, economic, punitive, special, or consequential damages, however caused and whether arising under contract, tort, negligence, or other theory of liability arising out of the use of or inability to use the Product, even if Kidoodle or its licensors or affiliates are advised of the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation of liability for personal injury or of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation may not apply to you.


12.3 In no event shall Kidoodle's total liability to you for all damages (other than as may be required by applicable law in cases involving death or personal injury resulting from Kidoodle's negligence) exceed the amount you paid for your Kidoodle Product.


12.4 The laws of some countries/regions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain warranties, guarantees, or liabilities. If such laws apply to you, all or part of the exclusions or limitations described herein may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights. Nothing in these Terms affects your legal rights that you are always entitled to as a consumer and which you cannot contractually agree to alter or waive.


Technical Support

Unless expressly permitted in the Warranty Statement (details of the Warranty Statement are available at [Warranty Statement URL](insert URL)), Kidoodle is not obligated to provide any technical support for the Product described in these Terms, other than those required by law. No oral or written information or opinion given by Kidoodle or its authorized representatives constitutes any warranty.


Fee-based Services

Kidoodle offers certain services on a subscription basis for a fee. Once you or someone else (including your agent) subscribes to the fee-based service through your personal account, you are required to pay the relevant server and other fees according to the relevant fee standards and payment methods. The fee descriptions are indicated on the corresponding pages of the respective services on Kidoodle. You can choose to cancel the relevant paid services through our customer service center. Cancellation generally takes effect from the next billing cycle, and until then, we will continue to charge according to the relevant service fees and methods.


Late Payment: Overdue payment of service fees should be handled in accordance with Kidoodle's relevant regulations.


Renting Paid Accounts: Users register accounts to use paid services and then profit by renting out accounts or other operations. Kidoodle reserves the right to suspend services for user registered accounts, etc.


Export Controls

You may not use or otherwise export or re-export Kidoodle Product except as authorized by applicable laws and the laws of the jurisdictions in which the Kidoodle Software was obtained.


Contact Kidoodle

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact us via the online customer service, or email us at support@kidoodle3d.com.


Entire Terms

These Terms and Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and Kidoodle governing your use of the Product and supersede any prior agreements between you and Kidoodle relating to the use of the Software. You may also be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use or purchase open-source software, third-party content, or other Kidoodle services.



  1. The application may contain some unknown issues or vulnerabilities, and the developer cannot guarantee the complete security of the application. Despite our best efforts to ensure the quality and stability of the application, limitations due to technology and other factors may lead to potential issues.
  2. The application may collect some user information to provide better services and user experience. We promise to strictly adhere to relevant privacy policies and laws and regulations, and users' personal information will be properly protected and not disclosed to third parties.
  3. The developer is not responsible for the consequences of using the application. Users should bear the risks associated with using the application, including but not limited to data loss, system failure, improper use, etc., and the developer assumes no liability.
  4. The developer reserves the right to change the application at any time to improve user experience or respond to changes in market demand. Any changes to the application will be notified to users in advance and will not have any adverse effects on users.
  5. By downloading and using the application, users agree to all the terms of this disclaimer. Users should carefully read and understand the contents of this disclaimer, and if there are any questions, please contact us promptly.
  6. Disclaimer for Apple Inc.: The user downloading and using the application from the Apple Store implies acceptance of all the terms of this disclaimer.